digiKam 5.2.0 Released, How to install it in Ubuntu 16.04


The digiKam photo management software has reached the 5.2.0 release, available for install / upgrade in (K)Ubuntu 16.04 LTS via PPA.

digiKam 5.2.0 introduce a new red eyes tool which automatize the red-eyes effect reduction process. Faces detection is processed on whole image and a new algorithm written by a Google Summer of Code 2016 student named Omar Amin is dedicated to recognize shapes and try to found eyes with direct flash reflection on retina.


Also a list of bugs has been fixed in the release, see the announcement for details.

How to install digiKam 5.2.0 in Ubuntu 16.04:

1. Add the PPA.

Open terminal and run the commands below to add the PPA:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:philip5/extra

Type in your password when it asks and hit Enter.


2. If you have a previous digiKam 5.x installed, launch Software Updater to upgrade the software:

upgrade digikam 5

Or just run command to install or upgrade digikam5:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install digikam5

About ml

ml is a part time stay-at-home dad who've been using Ubuntu Desktop for a few years. He writes in the free time and wishes to share some useful tips with Ubuntu beginners and lovers.